#!/usr/bin/perl use Password; use Getopt::Std; use ClipPass; # Debug use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '0.0.1a'; sub usage() { print STDERR << "EOF"; Simple password manager writed in Perl. -s show password -n [Name of resource] name of resource -w store new password -l [Link] link to resource -p [Password] password if key not selected PM generate secure password and copy it to xclipboard -r remove password -o open link -h show this help screen and exit -v show version info and exit Examples: Show password for resource: \tpm.pl -s -n LOR \tPassword copied to xclipboard.\n\t\tURI is http://linux.org.ru/ Store new password: \tpm.pl -w -n PRON -l http://superpronsite.com/ -p my_secret_password \tPassword for resource PRON is stored into DB! Copy password and open link: \tpm.pl -s -n LOR -o \tPassword copied to clipboard. Trying to open uri. EOF exit 1; } sub init() { my $opt_string = 'swn:l:p:rhvo'; getopts("$opt_string") or usage(); our ( $opt_s, $opt_w, $opt_n, $opt_r, $opt_l, $opt_p, $opt_h, $opt_v, $opt_o ); print "Simple password manager writed in Perl.\nVersion: " . $VERSION . "\n" and exit 0 if $opt_v; usage if $opt_h; } # Parse cmd line init(); my $pass = Password->new(); # Don't use it's before GPG and Database # $pass->check_config() == 0 or die "$!\n"; my $copy = ClipPass->new(); # Command line arguments switch if ( defined($opt_s) and defined($opt_n) and !defined($opt_o) ) { # Copy password to xclipboard print "$opt_s, $opt_n\n"; } elsif ( defined($opt_s) and defined($opt_n) and defined($opt_o) ) { # Copy password to xclipboard and open the uri print "$opt_s, $opt_n, $opt_o\n"; } elsif ( defined($opt_w) and defined($opt_n) and defined($opt_l) and !defined($opt_p) ) { # Generate password and store it into DB print "$opt_w, $opt_n, $opt_l, $opt_p\n"; } elsif ( defined($opt_w) and defined($opt_n) and defined($opt_l) and defined($opt_p) ) { # Store new password into DB print "$opt_w, $opt_n, $opt_l, $opt_p\n"; } else { print "FAIL\n" and usage; }