Display message in new buffer

Parse message text
This commit is contained in:
Denis Zheleztsov 2017-10-02 13:47:14 +03:00
parent f46fbbeebd
commit 4a52199969

View File

@ -158,6 +158,56 @@ Not used if `idec-smart-fetching' is not nil."
"Check if exists message MSG in ECHO `idec-mail-dir'."
(not (file-exists-p (get-message-file echo msg))))
;; Message fields pasing
(defun get-message-tags (msg)
"Get MSG tags."
(nth 0 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-echo (msg)
"Get MSG echo."
(nth 1 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-time (msg)
"Get MSG time."
(car (read-from-string (nth 2 (split-string msg "\n"))))))
(defun get-message-author (msg)
"Get MSG author."
(nth 3 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-address (msg)
"Get MSG address."
(nth 4 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-recipient (msg)
"Get MSG recipient."
(nth 5 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-subg (msg)
"Get MSG recipient."
(nth 6 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-body (msg)
"Get MSG body text."
(s-join "\n" (last (split-string msg "\n") 6)))
(defun get-message-field (msg field)
"Get message MSG FIELD."
(defvar fields-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hashtable with MSG parsing functions.")
;; Define hashtable first
(puthash "tags" (get-message-tags msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "echo" (get-message-echo msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "time" (get-message-time msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "author" (get-message-author msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "address" (get-message-address msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "recipient" (get-message-recipient msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "subg" (get-message-subg msg) fields-hash)
(puthash "body" (get-message-body msg) fields-hash)
(gethash field fields-hash))
(defun get-url-content (url)
"Get URL content and return it without headers."
@ -182,20 +232,33 @@ Not used if `idec-smart-fetching' is not nil."
(download-message current-echo line))))
(defun display-message (msg)
"Display message MSG in new buffer in idec-mode."
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: view " (get-message-field msg "subg") "*"))
(switch-to-buffer (concat "*IDEC: view " (get-message-field msg "subg") "*"))
(princ (concat "From: \t" (get-message-field msg "author") "\n"))
(princ (concat "To: " (get-message-field msg "recipient") "\n"))
(princ (concat "Echo: " (get-message-field msg "subg") "\n"))
(princ (concat "At: " (get-message-field msg "time") "\n"))
(princ (concat "Subject: " (get-message-field msg "subg") "\n"))
(princ (get-message-field msg "body"))))
(defun display-new-messages ()
"Display new fetched messages from `new-messages-list'."
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create "*IDEC: New messages*")
(switch-to-buffer "*IDEC: New messages*")
(dolist (msg new-messages-list)
;; Write message subj
(insert-text-button (nth 6 (split-string msg "\n"))
'help-echo (concat "Read message"))
(insert-text-button (get-message-field msg "subg")
'help-echo "Read message"
'plain-msg msg
'action (lambda (x) (display-message (button-get x 'plain-msg))))
;; Write message time and echo
(princ (format "\t\t\t%s\t%s\t\t" (nth 1 (split-string msg "\n"))
(car (read-from-string (nth 2 (split-string msg "\n")))))
(princ "\n")
(princ (format "\t\t\t%s\t%s(%s)\t%s\t\t\n"
(get-message-field msg "author")
(get-message-field msg "echo")
(get-message-field msg "address")
(get-message-field msg "time")))
(add-to-invisibility-spec '(msg . t)))))
(defun get-message-content (echo msg)
@ -232,7 +295,7 @@ with `idec-download-offset' and `idec-download-limit'."
(if (listp echoes)
;; Required GNU Emacs >= 25.3
(message (concat idec-primary-node "u/e/"
(string-join echoes "/") "/" idec-download-offset ":" idec-download-limit))
(s-join "/" echoes) "/" idec-download-offset ":" idec-download-limit))
(message (concat idec-primary-node "u/e/" echoes "/" idec-download-offset ":" idec-download-limit))))
(defun make-messages-url (messages)
@ -241,7 +304,7 @@ with `idec-download-offset' and `idec-download-limit'."
(if (listp messages)
;; Required GNU Emacs >= 25.3
(message (concat idec-primary-node "u/m/"
(string-join messages "/")))
(s-join "/" messages)))
(message (concat idec-primary-node "u/m/" messages))))
(defun make-count-url (echo)
@ -309,4 +372,3 @@ with `idec-download-offset' and `idec-download-limit'."
(provide 'idec)
;;; idec.el ends here