Do not messaging plain message

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Denis Zheleztsov 2018-06-28 10:46:15 +03:00
parent d41e084ae5
commit 5eb6333d24
Signed by: Difrex
GPG Key ID: B047A0E62A285621

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@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ put cursor to CHECKPOINT."
(defun display-message-hash (msg)
"Disaply message MSG in new buffer."
(mark-message-read (gethash "id" msg) (gethash "echo" msg))
(message (make-plain-text-message-from-hash msg))
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: " (gethash "subj" msg) "*"))
(switch-to-buffer (concat "*IDEC: " (gethash "subj" msg) "*"))
(princ (make-message-header msg))
@ -120,6 +119,7 @@ put cursor to CHECKPOINT."
(defun display-message (msg)
"Display message MSG in new buffer in idec-mode."
(mark-message-read (gethash "id" msg) (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "echo"))
(defvar line "__________________________________")
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: "
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ put cursor to CHECKPOINT."
(princ (concat "Echo: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "echo") "\n"))
(princ (concat "At: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "time") "\n"))
(princ (concat "Subject: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "subj") "\n"))
(princ (concat "__________________________________\n\n"
(princ (concat line "\n\n"
(replace-in-string "\r" ""
(s-join "\n" (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg)
(princ "\n__________________________________\n")
(princ (concat "\n" line "\n"))
(princ "[")
(let (answer-hash)
(setq answer-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ put cursor to CHECKPOINT."
'id (gethash "id" msg)
'msg-hash answer-hash))
(princ "]")
(princ "\t [")
(princ (concat (make-string 6 ? ) "["))
(insert-button "Quote answer")
(princ "]")
(add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) 'read-only))