Working quoting

This commit is contained in:
Denis Zheleztsov 2018-08-10 15:18:02 +03:00
parent 004b3396ca
commit c8c7a9a78b
Signed by: Difrex
GPG Key ID: B047A0E62A285621
3 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
(puthash "body"
(encode-coding-string (s-join "\n" (-drop-last 1 (-drop 4 (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))))
(puthash "subj"
(encode-coding-string (nth 1 (split-string (nth 2 (split-string (buffer-string) "\n")) "bj: "))
@ -207,28 +207,50 @@
(goto-char p)
(defun idec-answers-get-author-for-quote (author)
;; Parse author
(if (string-match ".* .*" author)
(nth 1 (s-split "" (nth 0 (s-split " " author))))
(nth 1 (s-split "" (nth 1 (s-split " " author)))))
(defun idec-answers-insert-quote (head tail author)
"Recursive function for inserting quoted body text;
receive string HEAD, list TAIL and original message AUTHOR."
(message "Quote insert %S" author)
(when (not (string-match "^$" head))
(insert author)
(insert "> "))
(insert (replace-in-string "\r" "" head)) (insert "\n")
(when (> (length tail) 0)
(idec-answers-insert-quote (car tail) (cdr tail) author)))
(defun idec-answers-edit-answer-with-quote (id msg-hash)
"Answer to message with quoted body with ID, MSG-HASH and BODY."
(let (answer-hash p)
(let (answer-hash p author)
(setq answer-hash (get-answers-hash id msg-hash))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: answer to " id "*")))
;; Answer message header
(insert (make-answer-header id msg-hash))
(add-text-properties (point) (point-min) 'read-only)
(setq p (point))
(defun insert-quote (head tail)
"Insert quote with HEAD and TAIL."
(insert "> ") (insert head) (insert "\n")
(when (> (length tail) 0)
(message "%S" tail)
(insert-quote (car tail) (cdr tail))))
(insert-quote (car (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "body"))
(cdr (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "body")))
;; Quote
(car (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "body"))
(cdr (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "body"))
(idec-answers-get-author-for-quote (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "author")))
(insert "\n")
(insert-text-button "[Send]"
(setq p (- (point) 1))
;; [Send] button
(setq start (point))
(insert-button "[Send]"
'action (lambda (x) (send-reply-message (button-get x 'msg)))
'msg answer-hash)
(goto-char p))
@ -243,8 +265,7 @@
(concat "New message to echo " echo "\n")
"Subj: \n"
"------- YOU MESSAGE BELLOW -------\n")
"------- YOU MESSAGE BELLOW -------\n"))
(defun edit-new-message (echo)
"Edit new message to ECHO."

View File

@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ optionaly return cursor to CHECKPOINT."
(princ "]\n"))
(message (concat "IDEC: FUUUUUU <" echo ">")))
(add-text-properties (beginning-of-buffer) (end-of-buffer) 'read-only))
(put-text-property (beginning-of-buffer) (end-of-buffer) 'read-only nil))
(if checkpoint
(goto-char checkpoint))

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ put cursor to CHECKPOINT."
'id (gethash "id" msg)
'msg-hash answer-hash)
(princ "]")
(princ "\t [")
(princ (concat (make-string 11 ? ) "["))
(insert-button "Quoted answer"
'action (lambda (x) (idec-answers-edit-answer-with-quote
(button-get x 'id)