;;; idec.el --- GNU Emacs client for IDEC network ;; Copyright (c) 2017 Denis Zheleztsov ;; Author: Denis Zheleztsov ;; Keywords: lisp,network,IDEC ;; Version: 0.1 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; In active developent. ;; Fetched node must be support modern IDEC extensions like /list.txt, /x/c, etc. ;;; Code: ;; (require 'idec-answers) (require 'idec-parser) ;; (require 'idec-online) (require 'idec-db) ;; FUNCTIONS ;; ;;;;;;;;; (defun get-url-content (url) "Get URL content and return it without headers." (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^$") (forward-line) (delete-region (point) (point-min)) (buffer-string))) ;; LOCAL MAIL FUNCTIONS ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun dots (echo) "Get dots from ECHO list." (make-string (+ (- (get-longest-string (get-local-echoes)) (length echo)) 3) ? )) ; `? ' - Space character (defun longest-local-echo-subj (echo) "Get longest subj from local ECHO." (get-longest-string (get-echo-subjects echo))) (defun mark-all-as-read (echo &optional checkpoint) "Mark all messages in ECHO as read; put cursor to CHECKPOINT." (mark-all-messages-as-read echo) (idec-local-browse checkpoint)) ;; END OF LOCAL MAIL FUNCTIONS ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun make-plain-text-message-from-hash(msg) "Make standard plain text message from MSG hash." (concat (gethash "tags" msg) "\n" (gethash "echo" msg) "\n" (nth 0 (split-string (number-to-string (time-to-seconds (date-to-time (gethash "time" msg)))) "\\.")) "\n" (gethash "author" msg) "\n" (gethash "address" msg) "\n" (gethash "recipient" msg) "\n" (gethash "subj" msg) "\n" "\n" (gethash "body" msg) "\n")) (defun make-message-header (msg) "Make message header from MSG hash." (concat (concat "ID: " (gethash "id" msg) "\n") (concat "From: " (gethash "author" msg) "[" (gethash "address" msg) "]" "\n") (concat "To: " (gethash "recipient" msg) "\n") (concat "Echo: " (gethash "echo" msg) "\n") (concat "At: " (gethash "time" msg) "\n") (concat "Subject: " (gethash "subj" msg) "\n"))) (defun display-message-hash (msg) "Disaply message MSG in new buffer." (mark-message-read (gethash "id" msg) (gethash "echo" msg)) (with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: " (gethash "subj" msg) "*")) (switch-to-buffer (concat "*IDEC: " (gethash "subj" msg) "*")) (setq start (point)) (princ (make-message-header msg)) (princ (concat "__________________________________\n\n" (replace-in-string "\r" "" (gethash "body" msg)))) (princ "\n__________________________________\n") (princ "[") (let (answer-hash) (setq answer-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (puthash "content" (make-plain-text-message-from-hash msg) answer-hash) (insert-button "Answer" 'action (lambda (x) (edit-answer-without-quote (button-get x 'id) (button-get x 'msg-hash))) 'id (gethash "id" msg) 'msg-hash answer-hash) (princ "]") (princ (concat (make-string 11 ? ) "[")) (insert-button "Quoted answer" 'action (lambda (x) (idec-answers-edit-answer-with-quote (button-get x 'id) (button-get x 'msg-hash))) 'id (gethash "id" msg) 'msg-hash answer-hash)) (princ "]") (add-text-properties start (point) 'read-only)) (idec)) (defun display-message (msg) "Display message MSG in new buffer in idec-mode." (mark-message-read (gethash "id" msg) (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "echo")) (defvar line "__________________________________") (with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: " (decode-coding-string (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "subj") 'utf-8) "*")) ;; Run in IDEC mode (switch-to-buffer (concat "*IDEC: " (decode-coding-string (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "subj") 'utf-8) "*")) (princ (concat "ID: " (gethash "id" msg) "\n")) (princ (concat "From: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "author") "(" (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "address") ")" "\n")) (princ (concat "To: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "recipient") "\n")) (princ (concat "Echo: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "echo") "\n")) (princ (concat "At: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "time") "\n")) (princ (concat "Subject: " (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "subj") "\n")) (princ (concat line "\n\n" (replace-in-string "\r" "" (s-join "\n" (get-message-field (gethash "msg" msg) "body"))))) (princ (concat "\n" line "\n")) (princ "[") (let (answer-hash) (setq answer-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (puthash "content" (gethash "msg" msg) answer-hash) (insert-button "Answer" 'action (lambda (x) (edit-answer-without-quote (button-get x 'id) (button-get x 'msg-hash))) 'id (gethash "id" msg) 'msg-hash answer-hash) (princ "]") (princ (concat (make-string 9 ? ) "[")) (insert-button "Quoted answer" 'action (lambda (x) (idec-answers-edit-answer-with-quote (button-get x 'id) (button-get x 'msg-hash))) 'id (gethash "id" msg) 'msg-hash answer-hash)) (princ "]") (add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) 'read-only)) (point-max) (idec)) (defun display-new-messages () "Display new fetched messages from `new-messages-list'." (if (= (hash-table-count new-messages-list) 0) (message "IDEC: No new messages.") (with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create "*IDEC: New messages*") (switch-to-buffer "*IDEC: New messages*") (maphash (lambda (id msg) (let (m) (setq m (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (puthash "id" id m) (puthash "msg" msg m) ;; Write message subj (insert-text-button (concat (get-message-field msg "subj") (make-string (- (get-longest-field "subj" new-messages-list) (length (get-message-field msg "subj"))) ? )) 'help-echo "Read message" 'msg-hash m 'action (lambda (x) (display-message (button-get x 'msg-hash))))) ;; Write message time and echo (princ (format " %s(%s)%s%s\t%s\n" (get-message-field msg "author") (get-message-field msg "address") (make-string (- (+ (get-longest-field "author" new-messages-list) (get-longest-field "address" new-messages-list) 1) (+ (length (get-message-field msg "author")) (length (get-message-field msg "address"))) ) ? ) (get-message-field msg "echo") (get-message-field msg "time")))) new-messages-list)) (idec-mode))) (defun hash-table-keys (hash-table) "Get list of keys from HASH-TABLE." (let ((keys ())) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push k keys)) hash-table) keys)) (defun get-messages-content (messages) "Get MESSAGES content from `idec-primary-node'." (let (new-hash) (setq new-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ;; (message (get-url-content (make-messages-url (hash-table-keys messages)))) (dolist (line (split-string (get-url-content (make-messages-url (hash-table-keys messages))) "\n")) (when (not (string= "" line)) (let (msgid content mes) (setq mes (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (setq msgid (nth 0 (split-string line ":"))) (setq content (decode-coding-string (base64-decode-string (nth 1 (split-string line ":"))) 'utf-8)) ;; Populate message hash: {"echo": "echo name", "content": "message content"} (puthash "echo" (get-message-field content "echo") mes) (puthash "content" content mes) (puthash msgid mes new-hash)))) new-hash)) (defun download-message (ids) "Download messages with IDS to `idec-mail-dir'." (if (= (hash-table-count ids) 0) nil (maphash (lambda (id msg) (insert-message-to-db (gethash "content" msg) id) ;; (store-message (gethash "content" msg) (gethash "echo" msg) id) (puthash id (gethash "content" msg) new-messages-list)) (get-messages-content ids)))) (defun download-subscriptions () "Download messages from echoes defined in `idec-echo-subscriptions' from `idec-primary-node'." (message (make-echo-url (split-string idec-echo-subscriptions ","))) (message idec-echo-subscriptions) (get-url-content (make-echo-url (split-string idec-echo-subscriptions ",")))) ;; ECHOES FUNCTIONS ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun make-echo-url (echoes &optional online) "Make ECHOES url to retreive messages from `idec-primary-node'; with `idec-download-offset' and `idec-download-limit'; If ONLINE is t uses `idec-online-download-limit' and `idec-online-download-offset'." ;; Check ECHOES is list (let (limit offset) (if online (and (setq limit idec-online-download-limit) (setq offset idec-online-download-offset)) (and (setq limit idec-download-limit) (setq offset idec-download-offset))) (if (listp echoes) ;; Required GNU Emacs >= 25.3 (message (concat idec-primary-node "u/e/" (s-join "/" echoes) "/" offset ":" limit)) (message (concat idec-primary-node "u/e/" echoes "/" offset ":" limit))))) (defun make-messages-url (messages) "Make MESSAGES url to retreive messages from `idec-primary-node'." ;; Check MESSAGES is list (if (listp messages) ;; Required GNU Emacs >= 25.3 (concat idec-primary-node "u/m/" (s-join "/" messages)) (concat idec-primary-node "u/m/" messages))) (defun make-count-url (echo) "Return messages count url in `idec-primary-node' from ECHO." (concat idec-primary-node "/x/c/" echo)) (defun echo-messages-count (echo) "Get messages count in ECHO." (nth 1 (split-string (get-url-content (make-count-url echo)) ":"))) ;; END OF ECHOES FUNCTIONS ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; END OF FUNCTIONS ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (provide 'idec) ;;; idec.el ends here