# Surok app config file conf.d/myapp.json ``` { "services": [ { "name": "kioskservice", "group": "production.romania", "ports": ["web", "socket"] } ], "conf_name": "kiosk", "template": "/etc/surok/templates/kiosk.jj2", "dest": "/etc/nginx/sites-available/kioskservice.conf", "reload_cmd": "/sbin/nginx -t && /bin/systemctl reload nginx", "run_cmd": ["/usr/bin/node", "-c", "config.json"] } ``` * **services**. List of hashes with required services for app. 1. _name_ - string. App name in Marathon. If you use a Marathon discovery, you can use the "*" at the end of the string to indicate any character. 2. _group_ - string. App group in Marathon. Optional. Discovery policy: 1) config 2) SUROK_DISCOVERY_GROUP environment variable 3) Marathon API 3. _ports_ - list. Name of opened port. In marathon of course. If you use a Marathon discovery, you can use the "*" at the end of the string to indicate any character. Optional. * **conf_name**. Unique app config name. * **template**. Jinja2 template location. * **dest**. Destination config path. * **reload_cmd**. Command to execute if generated config is changed.