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2016-01-27 17:58:45 +03:00
var window_width = $(window).width();
// convert rgb to hex value string
function rgb2hex(rgb) {
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rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
if (rgb === null) { return "N/A"; }
function hex(x) {
return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]);
$('.dynamic-color .col').each(function () {
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// Floating-Fixed table of contents
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// BuySellAds Detection
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// Github Latest Commit
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url: "",
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success: function (data) {
var sha = data.sha,
date = jQuery.timeago(;
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// Toggle Flow Text
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// Toggle Containers on page
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toggleContainersButton.text("Turn on Containers");
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