# RBMD [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Difrex/rbmd.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Difrex/rbmd) ![logo](/img/logo.png) RBD mount wrapper cluster **ALLOW FOR STAGING** Current status: *development*, *testing* **ALLOW FOR STAGING** **Table of Contents** - [RBMD](#rbmd) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Usage](#usage) - [Example](#example) - [Build](#build) - [API](#api) - [GET /v1/status](#get-v1status) - [Example](#example) - [GET /v1/node](#get-v1node) - [Example](#example) - [GET /v1/health](#get-v1health) - [Example](#example) - [POST /v1/mount](#post-v1mount) - [Example](#example) - [POST /v1/umount](#post-v1umount) - [Example](#example) - [POST /v1/resolve](#post-v1resolve) - [Example](#example) - [GET /v1/metrics](#get-v1metrics) - [Example](#example) - [Systemd](#systemd) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Umount request is stuck after deadly.](#umount-request-is-stuck-after-deadly) - [AUTHORS](#authors) - [LICENSE](#license) ## Dependencies * Zookeeper * Access to ceph cluster(for map/unmap images) ## Usage ``` Usage of ./rbmd: -listen string HTTP API listen address (default "") -tick int Tick time loop (default 5) -version Show version info and exit -ws string Websockets listen address (default "") -zk string Zookeeper servers comma separated (default "") -zkPath string Zookeeper path (default "/rbmd") ``` ### Example ```./rbmd -listen -zkPath /rbmd-ru-dc3-rack5``` ## Build Required Go > 1.6 ``` git clone https://github.com/rbmd/rbmd.git && cd rbmd GOPATH=$(pwd) go get -t -v ./... GOPATH=$(pwd) go build ``` ## API ### GET /v1/status Return JSON of quorum status #### Example ```json { "quorum": { "node.example.com": { "node": "node.example.com", "ip": { "v4": [ "" ], "v6": [ "fe80::f869:d0ff:fea3:3c0a" ] }, "updated": 1483428452, "mounts": null } }, "health": "alive.", "leader": "node.example.com" } ``` ### GET /v1/node Return JSON of node stats #### Example ```json { "node": "node.example.com", "ip": { "v4": [ "" ], "v6": [ "fe80::108d:fcff:fe77:3df6" ] }, "updated": 1483095493, "mounts": null } ``` ### GET /v1/health Return string with quorum health check result Statuses: * alive. Match regexp: ```^alive\.$``` -- all is good * resizing. Match regexp: ```^resizing\.$``` -- One or more nodes goind down * deadly. Match regexp: ```^deadly\.$``` -- One or more nodes is down and they has mapped images #### Example ``` curl alive. ``` ### POST /v1/mount Map rbd image and mount it Allowed mount options: * ro * noatime * relatime * nosuid * noexec * nodiratime #### Example Accept JSON ```json { "node": "node.example.com", "pool": "web", "image": "pictures", "mountpoint": "/var/www/pictures", "mountopts": "noatime,nodiratime", "fstype": "xfs" } ``` Return JSON. On success ```json { "state": "OK", "message": "OK" } ``` On failure ```json { "state": "FAIL", "message": "mount: /dev/null not a block device" } ``` ### POST /v1/umount Unmount filesystem and unmap RBD device #### Example Accept JSON ```json { "node": "node.example.com", "mountpoint": "/var/www/pictures", "block": "rbd0" } ``` Return JSON. On success ```json { "state": "OK", "message": "OK" } ``` On failure ```json { "state": "FAIL", "message": "Not found" } ``` ### POST /v1/resolve Remove deadly node from quorum. #### Example Accept JSON ```json { "node": "node.example.com" } ``` ### GET /v1/metrics Return some metrics #### Example ```json { "goroutines": 9, "nodes": 2, "mountstotal": 0, "cgocall": 1 } ``` ## Systemd Example unit ```ini [Unit] Description=RBMD After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/rbmd -listen -ws -zk node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181 KillMode=control-group Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` # Troubleshooting ## Umount request is stuck after deadly. Remove Zk node */rbmd/cluster/node.fqdn/requests/umount* # AUTHORS Denis Zheleztsov # LICENSE GPL version 3 see [LICENSE](LICENSE)