Fixed online reading

This commit is contained in:
Denis Zheleztsov 2017-10-16 17:38:35 +03:00
parent 14c197ac54
commit 2d676bd853

View File

@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
;; Mode definition
;; (set-syntax-table idec-mode-syntax-table)
(use-local-map idec-mode-map)
(font-lock-add-keywords 'idec-mode '(idec-font-lock-keywords))
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(idec-font-lock-keywords))
;; (font-lock-add-keywords 'idec-mode '(idec-font-lock-keywords))
;; (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(idec-font-lock-keywords))
(setq major-mode 'idec-mode)
(setq mode-name "[IDEC]")
(setq imenu-generic-expression "*IDEC")
@ -150,32 +150,39 @@ White space here is any of: space, tab, Emacs newline (line feed, ASCII 10)."
(defun get-message-tags (msg)
"Get MSG tags."
(trim-string (nth 0 (split-string msg "\n"))))
;; (trim-string
(nth 0 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-echo (msg)
"Get MSG echo."
(trim-string (nth 1 (split-string msg "\n"))))
;; (trim-string
(nth 1 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-time (msg)
"Get MSG time."
(trim-string (current-time-string
(car (read-from-string (nth 2 (split-string msg "\n")))))))
;; ;; (trim-string
(car (read-from-string (nth 2 (split-string msg "\n"))))))
(defun get-message-author (msg)
"Get MSG author."
(trim-string (nth 3 (split-string msg "\n"))))
;; ;; (trim-string
(nth 3 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-address (msg)
"Get MSG address."
(trim-string (nth 4 (split-string msg "\n"))))
;; (trim-string
(nth 4 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-recipient (msg)
"Get MSG recipient."
(trim-string (nth 5 (split-string msg "\n"))))
;; (trim-string
(nth 5 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-subj (msg)
"Get MSG subject."
(trim-string (nth 6 (split-string msg "\n"))))
;; (trim-string
(nth 6 (split-string msg "\n")))
(defun get-message-body (msg)
"Get MSG body text.
@ -255,11 +262,6 @@ Return list with body content."
(defun answer-message (msg)
"Make answer to message MSG."
(get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: Answer to " (cdr (assoc 'id msg))))
(switch-to-buffer (concat "*IDEC: Answer to " (cdr (assoc 'id msg)))))
(defun display-message (msg)
"Display message MSG in new buffer in idec-mode."
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: "
@ -336,18 +338,21 @@ Return list with body content."
;; Online reading
(defun display-echo-messages (messages)
"Display downloaded MESSAGES from echo."
(message messages)
(let (msgs echo)
(defvar echo-msg-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hashtable with MSG parsing functions.")
"Display downloaded MESSAGES from 2echo."
(message (concat "RECEIVED MESSAGES: " messages))
(let (msgs echo echo-msg-hash)
(setq echo-msg-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(setq echo (nth 0 (split-string messages "\n")))
(setq msgs (delete (nth 0 (split-string messages "\n")) (split-string messages "\n")))
(setq msgs (split-string messages "\n"))
(dolist (id msgs)
(puthash id echo echo-msg-hash))
(when (not (or
(string-match "\\." id)
(string= "" id)))
(puthash id echo echo-msg-hash)))
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: online browse " echo "*" ))
(switch-to-buffer (concat "*IDEC: online browse " echo "*"))
(maphash (lambda (id msg-hash)
(when (equal (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "echo") echo)
(princ "__________________________________\n")
(princ (concat "ID: " id "\n"))
(princ (concat "From: " (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "author") "("
@ -361,27 +366,139 @@ Return list with body content."
(princ "\n__________________________________\n")
(princ "[")
(insert-button "Answer"
'action (lambda (x) (message "OK")))
'action (lambda (x) (edit-answer-without-quote (button-get x 'id) (button-get x 'msg-hash)))
'id id
'msg-hash msg-hash)
(princ "]")
(princ "\t [")
(insert-button "Answer with quote")
(princ "]\n\n"))
(princ "]\n\n")))
;; Plain messages hash proccesing
(get-messages-content echo-msg-hash))
(add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) 'read-only)
(add-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) 'read-only))
(defun make-answer-header (id msg-hash)
"Make header with reto to ID from MSG-HASH."
(let (answer-hash subj p)
(setq answer-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(puthash "id" id answer-hash)
(puthash "echo" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "echo") answer-hash)
(puthash "author" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "author") answer-hash)
(puthash "time" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "time") answer-hash)
(setq subj (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "subj"))
;; Make `Re:' in subj if it not present.
(if (not (string-match "Re:" subj))
(puthash "subj" (concat "Re: " subj) answer-hash)
(puthash "subj" subj answer-hash))
(concat "Answer to " id " in " (gethash "echo" answer-hash) "\n")
(concat "Author: "
(gethash "author" answer-hash)
(concat " at " (gethash "time" answer-hash))
(concat "Subj: " (gethash "subj" answer-hash) "\n")
"------- YOU MESSAGE BELLOW -------\n")))
(defun edit-answer-without-quote (id msg-hash)
"Answer to message with ID MSG-HASH."
(let (answer-hash subj p)
(setq answer-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(puthash "id" id answer-hash)
(puthash "echo" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "echo") answer-hash)
(puthash "author" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "author") answer-hash)
(setq subj (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "subj"))
;; Make `Re:' in subj if it not present.
(if (not (string-match "Re:" subj))
(puthash "subj" (concat "Re: " subj) answer-hash)
(puthash "subj" subj answer-hash))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: answer to " id "*")))
(insert (make-answer-header id msg-hash))
(add-text-properties (point-min) (point) 'read-only)
(setq p (point))
(insert "\n")
(insert-text-button "[Send]"
'action (lambda (x) (message "Send...")))
(goto-char p)
(defun edit-answer-without-quote (id msg-hash)
"Answer to message with ID MSG-HASH."
(let (answer-hash subj p)
(setq answer-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(puthash "id" id answer-hash)
(puthash "echo" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "echo") answer-hash)
(puthash "author" (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "author") answer-hash)
(setq subj (get-message-field (gethash "content" msg-hash) "subj"))
;; Make `Re:' in subj if it not present.
(if (not (string-match "Re:" subj))
(puthash "subj" (concat "Re: " subj) answer-hash)
(puthash "subj" subj answer-hash))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*IDEC: answer to " id "*")))
(insert (concat "Answer to " id " in " (gethash "echo" answer-hash)))
;; Write header
;; (princ (concat "Answer to " id " in " (gethash "echo" answer-hash)))
;; Make it readonly
;; (add-text-properties (point) (point-min) 'read-only)
;; Write author
(insert (concat "\nAuthor: " (gethash "author" answer-hash) "\n"))
(add-text-properties (point-min) (point) 'read-only)
;; Write subj
(insert (concat "Subj: "(gethash "subj" answer-hash)))
;; Body
(insert "\n------- YOU MESSAGE BELLOW -------\n")
;; (add-text-properties (beginning-of-line) (end-of-line) 'read-only)
(setq p (point))
(insert "\n")
(insert-text-button "[Send]"
'action (lambda (x) (message "Send...")))
(goto-char p)
(defun hash-table-keys (hash-table)
"Get list of keys from HASH-TABLE."
(let ((keys ()))
(maphash (lambda (k v) (push k keys)) hash-table)
(defun get-messages-content (messages)
"Get MESSAGES content from `idec-primary-node'."
(defvar msg-ids '())
(let (new-hash)
(setq new-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(maphash (lambda (msgid echo)
(add-to-list 'msg-ids msgid)
(message (concat "Download message " msgid " to " echo)))
(dolist (line (split-string (get-url-content (make-messages-url msg-ids)) "\n"))
;; (message (get-url-content (make-messages-url (hash-table-keys messages))))
(dolist (line (split-string (get-url-content (make-messages-url (hash-table-keys messages))) "\n"))
(when (not (string= "" line))
(let (msgid content mes)
(setq mes (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
@ -431,13 +548,7 @@ with `idec-download-offset' and `idec-download-limit'."
;; Check MESSAGES is list
(if (listp messages)
;; Required GNU Emacs >= 25.3
(let (msgs)
(dolist (msg messages)
(setq msgs (concat msgs "/" msg)))
(message msgs)
(concat idec-primary-node "u/m/" msgs
;; (s-join "/" messages)
(concat idec-primary-node "u/m/" (s-join "/" messages))
(concat idec-primary-node "u/m/" messages)))
(defun make-count-url (echo)
@ -452,7 +563,9 @@ with `idec-download-offset' and `idec-download-limit'."
(defun load-echo-messages (echo)
"Load messages from ECHO."
(message (concat "DEBUG: " echo))
(store-echo-counter echo)
(message (concat "URL: " (make-echo-url echo)))
(message (concat "CONTENT: " (get-url-content (make-echo-url echo))))
;; (store-echo-counter echo)
(display-echo-messages (get-url-content (make-echo-url echo))))
(defun proccess-echo-message (msg echo)