var thread_html = ""; var top_id = ""; var view_mode = false; $(function() { var jumpLocation = parseLocation(); // Cleanup content if (jumpLocation['matched']) { // Cleanup content $("#mes").html(''); findTopMessage(jumpLocation["hash"], false); } }) function topMessageRequest(data, id) { $.ajax({ url:"", type:"POST", data: data, contentType: "application/json", success: function(messages) { findTopMessage(id, messages); // $("#mes").html(thread_html); // $("#preloader").remove(); } }) } function makeDataString(id) { console.log("ID " + id) var str = '{"sort": [ { "date": { "order": "desc" }}, { "_score": { "order": "desc" }}], "query": {"query_string" : {"fields" : ["msgid"], "query" :"' + id + '"}}, "size": 1 }'; return str } function findTopMessage(id, callback) { data = makeDataString(id); if (!callback) { thread_html = ""; topMessageRequest(data, id); } else { if (callback["hits"]["hits"].length > 0) { repto = callback["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["repto"]; msgid = callback["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["msgid"]; if (repto) { topMessageRequest(makeDataString(repto)); } else { thread_html += makeMessageHTML(callback["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]); top_id = msgid; console.log("Top id found! " + top_id); proccessThread(msgid); } } } } function proccessThreadRequest(data, msgid) { $.ajax({ url:"", type:"POST", data: data, contentType: "application/json", success: function(messages) { proccessThread(msgid, messages); $("#mes").html(thread_html); $("#preloader").remove(); } }) } function proccessThread(msgid, callback) { data = '{"sort": [ { "date": { "order": "asc" }}, { "_score": { "order": "desc" }}], "query": {"query_string" : {"fields" : ["repto"], "query" :"' + msgid + '"}}, "size": 100 }'; if (callback) { for (hit in callback["hits"]["hits"]) { msg = callback["hits"]["hits"][hit]["_source"]; thread_html += makeMessageHTML(callback["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]); proccessThread(msg["msgid"], false); } } else { proccessThreadRequest(data, msgid); } } // Parsing functions function parseLocation() { var h =\?j=/, ""); if (h) { console.log("Matched jump to " + h); return {matched: true, hash: h}; } else { return {matched: false}; } } // Set cookie with v=threads function toggleViewModeOn() { Cookies.set("threads", "on"); } // Remove cookie with v=threads function toggleViewModeOff() { Cookies.set("threads", "off"); } function toggleViewMode() { if (checkViewMode()) { toggleViewModeOff(); } else { toggleViewModeOn(); } } // Check view mode function checkViewMode() { if (Cookies.get("threads") && Cookies.get("threads") == "on") { console.log('THREADS ON'); return true } else { console.log('NORMAL'); return false } } // Make message HTML function makeMessageHTML(msgItem) { var t = new Date(msgItem['date'] * 1000); // console.log(msgItem['date']); // console.log(t); var t_formatted = t.getFullYear() + "/" + (t.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + t.getDate() + " " + t.getHours() + ":" + t.getMinutes() + ":" + t.getSeconds(); var msg = msgItem['message'].replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(new RegExp("\n",'g'), "
\n"); var html = '
' + '

' + t_formatted + ' ' // Author to receiver + '' + msgItem['author'] + '' + ' '; if (msgItem['repto'] != "" ) { html += '' + msgItem['to'] + '

'; } else { html += msgItem['to'] + '

'; } // Header html += '

' + '' + msgItem['subg'] + '' + ' ' + msgItem['echo'] + '

' + '

' + msg.autoLink() + '

' // Msgid + '' + msgItem['msgid'] + ''; // End message

block html += '

'; return html }